Thursday, May 3, 2018

Surrender To Win!

What will you surrender to achieve your 'personal best'? 
''Time is the coin of the realm. Only you decide how to spend your life.''

In the last post, I hope you were moved to begin sketching simple things, apples, shoes, your hand, or a flower, in a sketchbook or on a canvas.  

To move from sketch to finished piece, you dedicate lots of practice to understand simplified shapes, values and colors.  (You can read my on my website.  The link on the Books page takes you to Blurb to preview it free!)

Whether you are painting from life or from a photo on your computer, your ideas will evolve from line drawings, color notes, and eventually arrive at a unified whole.  

Surrender to the wonder of what will evolve.

Surrender the 'finish', in the beginning of any artwork.

Give yourself the gift of patience.  
My dear teacher, mentor, and constant inspiration was the late, undisputed master from Spain,  Sebastian Capella, who's motto was:

Slow down.
Surrender to Love of the Moment 
 Surrender to your inner voice.

  Play the game to win!
 All the best,

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